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This book came as a result of God's instructions to help me overcome a traumatic past and uncontrollable panic attacks. When people saw the change in me, they all wanted a copy of my notes which resulted in this book. I was not trying to write a book, I was trying to keep my sanity and overcome a horrific feeling of dread.
My final panic attack took place in a large church. It took everything in me not to scream. I was completely paralyzed with fear as I realized I could not walk. I had two friends on either side of me. They could see the meltdown I was in, and they helped me walk out of the service. I was crying, shaking, and completely humiliated. This happened right as the service was beginning. The church was packed with people watching my hysteria.
I asked God, "Why does this keep happening to me?" His voice was very clear to me, He said, "It is because you don't know Me. Because you don't know Me your enemy is able to torment you."
I had grown up with an image of God, being mean and vindictive. The favorite response to any calamity was,
"You see, God is punishing you!"
I found out and believed for the first time in my life that God cared for me and wanted good things for my life. The Holy Spirit taught me about His character, names, and titles. As a result of my study, I experienced God's personal love for me. That love healed my heart and changed my life!
It became my mission to let others also know God's love in an intimate way. I published The I AM Book and it has changed many lives. I have continued to add to it. So many people have told me about the miracles they experienced as a result of studying The I AM Book. I read it almost every day. A large number of people have told me they also use it daily. The more you focus on Who God is, the more exciting, joyful and miraculous life becomes.
If you want to operate in the power of God, and you desire to see major changes in your life, order The I AM Book now. Knowing Him will change your life forever I am proof of that!
Here are some of the sections:
The Power in Jesus' name Avenger of His Elect
What Gives God Pleasure The Goodness of God A Section on the Holy Spirit The Power of the Blood
God's Thoughts on Healing Revealer of Secrets
What We Have in Christ The Voice of the Lord
God's Intensive Care Unit. God's Guidance
The I am Book